Fish and Fowl - Day 4

"O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth." Isaiah 25:1

Day five of God creating in only four verses in Scripture - Genesis 1:20-23. Again, God spoke, and life came into being. Only God can do that! In reading these verses, we learn more about who God is by what He says, backed up by what He does. Read Genesis 1:20-23. “And God said…” Three powerful words! God is not silent. His voice is heard wherever we look. Read Psalms 29: “Give unto the Lord, oh ye mighty, give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. The voice of the Lord is powerful: the voice of the Lord is full of majesty…”. And the psalmist continues to glorify God! But what is His voice saying? He is speaking life to what He loves. God is love! (1John 4:8) That is who He is. Love gives life, and God is the greatest lover ever…perfectly.

God reveals Himself again to us by what does in all He created on this day five of creation. On day five, God created all the water creatures, along with every “winged fowl”. By His great power He spoke, and they were created. Life suddenly filled the oceans, the rivers, the seas, and the lakes. Out of God’s amazing love, He created an abundance of life that filled the sky above and the waters beneath. The imagination of God was on display by His creating such a variety and diversity of colors, shapes, sounds, and sizes. The beauty of it all, in the waters below, and skies above, captivates our imaginations in ways words cannot express. Even in our day, we are still discovering new things about our oceans. It seems we know very little about the great depths. New species of life, both birds and fish, are being discovered as we continue searching the remote places of the earth. What an awesome, inspiring, creative, and wise God we serve.

His love for us is unsurpassed. His creation should cause us to lift our voices in praise and worship of our great God who is worthy of to be glorified. Psalm 29 says, “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name.” Remember, as God was actively creating, His angels were worshipping Him, singing His praises, giving Him His due glory, as they witnessed every creature being brought into existence with God’s loving, life-giving Word. Let’s join the angelic choir in His worship!

“Thank you, Father, for the life that can only come from You. What love you have for me, and us, and all of Your creation. Amen.”

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Law and Order - Day 3


An Amazing God - Day 5