Eternal Refuge - Day 1

"The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms" Deuteronomy 33:27

God is eternal. This means that He never had a beginning, and He will never have an end. God has always existed, and He will always exist. Time is something God created, and it had a beginning. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created…”. Before He created time, He was, and is, and always will be. God is not in time. He created time at the beginning. We can say that time began when God created it - at the beginning. But God existed before time began. “Began” and “beginning” are terms that don’t apply to God because they are creature words and concepts that came into existence when God created time. God is eternal. He is the eternal now. Before there was a universe God existed. There is no past with God. There is no future with God. God transcends time. Past and present are creature concepts. I have a past. Praise God I have a future He has provided for me in heaven! And isn’t it nice to know that God is sovereign even over time. He created time, and therefore he controls it. God is not affected by time, but He can work in real time, and affect time.

God is eternal. He existed before he created anything. We need God, but He does not need us. He created time for us. He does not need anything He created, including us and time. Time is a created reality He made for us. I have a past; not a long past, maybe longer than I’d like, but not long. I have a future too. It may be short as time goes; I don’t know. I can’t know what my future is because it hasn’t happened yet. God knows our future because He created it. Isn’t it nice to know God knows our future? God is sovereign. That means He is in perfect control of everything to do with our past, present, and future.

God is eternal. He is the God who is here. He is unaffected by time, yet in complete control over time. He was with us in our past; He is here in our present; and He will be with us in the future. We can trust Him, perfectly, with our future. He has lived out all of our tomorrows and guides us through time as we journey with Him, if we chose to follow. Without Him, we wander aimlessly through the darkness of the unknown. With Him, He lights our way and leads us in His perfect will towards our heavenly destination.

“Thank you, Father, for being my eternal heavenly Father, creator of all things including time. I trust you, as I go with you, with my future. Amen.”

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All Powerful - Day 7


Visible and Invisable - Day 2