Visible and Invisable - Day 2

"For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." Colossians 1:16-17

God is eternal. He has always been, and He will always be. That means He is uncreated and is the creator of all things. God is perfect in all His ways, the greatest and highest authority, and most worthy of all our praise! God was the only there before anything was created. Since He was the only one who was there, and since He created everything, He is the only one who can tell us about the beginning of all things. God wants us to know, and He wants to be the one to tell us. Everything He wants us to know He has told us in the Bible, by what He says, and by what he has done.

In Colossians, we read that that all things except God were created, including the spirit beings. Thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers are the spirits and their different positions, and they were all created by God. They had a beginning. Before their beginning, there was only God.

There are many opinions, myths, and traditions about angels. Spirits have captured the imagination of people everywhere. Spirits of the dead, good spirits, protective spirits, and evil spirits. As we journey through the Bible, we will learn what God says about who the spirits are and what they do. We have learned from Colossians that the angels were created and had a beginning. These created beings are limited because they are created. Only God is unlimited because He is uncreated. The spirits do not have physical bodies, and because they are created they are therefore limited and can not be everywhere at once. They are limited in time and space as all creation is. They are also limited in strength and knowledge. In the Bible we will see that even though they are spirits, God will sometimes cause them to appear in a physical form, when it is necessary to carry out His purposes, and for His glory.

“Thank you, Father, for revealing to me the truth about the spirits you created. It is reassuring to know that you want me to understand what you have revealed to me in your Word. Amen.”

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Eternal Refuge - Day 1


Warriors and Messengers - Day 3