Plant Life - Day 6

"Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness." Psalm 107:8-9

Today we deal with God’s continuing creative acts in day three. On this day God started by speaking into existence the dry land, Earth. Without going into a lengthy description, God simply spoke, and the dry land came into being and the vast waters on the Earth were separated into seas. Then He spoke again and created a wonderful variety of plant life. Genesis 1:11 says, “And God said, ‘Let the Earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the Earth’: and it was so.”

When we speak of “living” plants we are not suggesting that they have consciousness, but living in the sense that they grow and reproduce. And in Genesis 1:11 God tells of three categories or classifications of plant life: grasses, herbs, and trees. The grasses include the wide variety of vegitation that covers the ground. Herbs would include the lower growing bushes and shrubs. And the trees are the larger plants that include those that produce fruit.

It is significant that God created full grown plant life, that yields fruits and seeds. He didn’t create the seeds that have to grow into the plants He described. And what an incredible variety He created too! All grow out of the dirt God made at the beginning of this day three. The wonderful dirt, the complex quality of our dirt! What an amazing God who created such a wonder. Out of His great love for us He gave us such a rich asssortment of plant life, including colors, sizes, tastes, and smells for our nourishment and enjoyment. Think of all the variety. He could have made only two or three of each. After all, we wouldn’t have known anything different. His love for us is too big to be boring.

The Master Designer made all the plants with the ability to reproduce “after his kind”: seeds, the seeds in the plants and fruit. These seeds God created will only grow plants like the plant they came from. Pears produce seeds inside themselves that will grow pear trees that produce pears.

The plant life that God created is incredibly complex. Within the “kinds” are the capacity and capability of great diversity. Pears come in many variations of the pear shape. They also have different colors and with distinctive flavors and textures; but they are still pears. The more scientists examine these plants the more they come to see their fabulous complexities. Only God!

“Thank you, Father, for loving me and being such a good God to give me such a wonderful variety of pears and other plant life.”

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Dry Land & Seas - Day 5


Beyond Need - Day 7