Beyond Need - Day 7

“May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in his works ... I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” Psalms 104:31,33

We are still in day three of all creation. God spoke and the dry land was made, and the seas were gathered together. Then God uttered His command, and the vast number of plants were created. Praise God for wisdom and power, to speak into life all the plants all over the Earth! The unsearchable knowledge of God to know how and what to do. Nothing random, nothing experimental, and nothing chaotic, for God is nothing but law, order, design, and perfection. Only God can create plant life from nothing. And everything happened, and all was created, exactly as God said.

The patterns and order of what God made reflect the designer. Life cannot spring from non-life apart from God. Without God’s mighty creative voice, the only thing that comes from nothing is nothing. Hebrews 11:3 says, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." Only God can create life from nothing, and that is certainly what He did.

I have heard it said that God brought order to His creation out of chaos. I question that statement. For if everything God does is based on who He is, then nothing He does can be chaotic. God, being perfect, created everything perfect. In each stage of His creation was order, design, and perfection the moment He created it.

God was preparing His creation for human life. Out of His great love and kindness He prepared all we would need, plus more for our enjoyment. Then God proclaimed everything good! That means none of His plant life was flawed or evil. At this point there were no poisonous plants. There were no thorns or thistles. There were no noxious plants, trees, vegetables, or fruit. All was perfect, healthy and harmless. So why do we have all those nuisance plants now? This question will be answered in a later lesson.

“Thank you, Father, for providing abundantly everything we need to live and thrive, and for spoiling us with more than just what we need. Amen.”

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Plant Life - Day 6