Omniscient - Day 5

"Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:" Jeremiah 32:17

God is perfect in all His ways, the greatest and highest authority. and most worthy of all our praise! Why is God able to make something out of nothing? Because He is the All-Powerful God. He is all the power there is, perfectly. “Perfect” is a word that can really only truly apply to God. We have made the word “perfect” a common word today. But in its purest meaning - without flaw or error - only God is perfect. If anything else is perfect, it is because it is derived from God. So, we say that God is perfect in power. Nothing is too hard for God. Nothing is easy for God either.

Have you ever thought about the meaning of “hard” and “easy”? Those words have meaning to us. It is easy to hold my arms up over my head. But the longer I hold them up the harder it gets. Hard and easy apply to us. They are what A.W. Tozer calls “creature words”. They don’t apply to God. God is omnipotent, all powerful, and perfect. God is perfect in knowledge. He is omniscient, meaning “knowing all”. He possesses all the knowledge there is. Everything God is, He is perfect. If there were some incidental piece of information that God did not know he would not be perfect, and therefore he could not be God. In one swift moment, He knows everything everywhere with no effort whatsoever.

That means God did not have to acquire knowledge. You and I were not born with knowledge and understanding. We had to be taught. We learn by observing and doing, and mostly making mistakes. Mankind is ever learning and discovering and experimenting. But God knows everything and always has known everything. He is a pretty smart God…and He never makes mistakes! God existed before everything so no one was there to teach Him anything. He perfectly and completely knows everything from the beginning and for all eternity. He has eternally known all that is required to be the creator of everything. He is greater than all of His created things, beings and creatures. He is more powerful than everything He has created. He is sovereign over all His creation, both great and small, angelic or otherwise. And He is perfectly good.

“Thank you, Father, for revealing to me who you are, the perfect and all-knowing, all-powerful creator, and that you are good. Amen”

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Creation Power - Day 4


Unchanging - Day 6