Creation Power - Day 4

"Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? ...When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" Job 38:4a,7

God still asks us the same question He asked Job so long ago; “Where were you?", or “were you there?” From what we know about God so far, we must admit that He is the only reliable witness. If you have to rely on two witnesses, where one of them is God, and the other is the most trusted person you could think of, who would you believe if their statements contradicted? No matter how reliable a person is, people were not there to witness how God created everything. People can never provide a truer narrative than God can. God’s narrative is perfect, and we can rely on what He tells us about how everything began. He was the only one who was there. God’s answer to the first question in Job is easy. But the second portion in verse 7 gives us some idea of when God created the angels. God tells us that He was there doing the creating, and the angels were there watching Him and praising Him as they witnessed Him creating everything.

Scripture is not clear on the chronology of the creation of the angels, but what is clear, is that before Genesis 1:1 there was only God in His eternal glory. And now, based on Job 38:4-7, we know the angels were singing God’s praises while He created. Now this brings us to the next question: What did God use to make the universe and everything in it? To answer this, let’s back up a bit. We have already established that God is eternal, He has always existed. Everything but God had a beginning. Before Genesis 1:1 not one bit of the universe existed. Not even the angels. God created everything out of nothing by His great power! Only God has the ability to make something out of nothing. Psalm 33:6,9 says, “ By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made…for He spake, and it was done…” In Hebrews 11:3 it says, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that the things which are seen, were not made of things which do appear.” God spoke, and He created everything from nothing. Only God could do this. Before Genesis 1:1 there was nothing but God. Think about this: nothing existed. No created light, no darkness, no heat or cold, no time or space, no atoms, minerals or primeval gases. God created everything out of nothing. The power of God’s spoken word created everything out of nothing.

“Thank you, Father, for revealing to me your awesome power and how you created all things for us, Amen.”

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