Laying the Foundation - Day 2

“Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it” Psalm 127:1a

“He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock…” Luke 6:48

In this walk with God through His word we will be studying the Bible chronologically. That means we will start at the beginning of God’s revelation and follow the flow of time as God has given it to us. I am sure you are familiar with a timeline. We will place the main important Biblical events on a timeline so we can see who God is, by what He says and does in real time and history. Genesis means beginning, the first book of God’s Word, the Bible. The book of Genesis is the foundation on which we will build our understanding of God and His Word. This is where God starts, where history begins. So, we will build our understanding of God on that sure foundation He provides - His Word.

It’s like building a house. What is the first thing that must be done when constructing a house? To lay down a solid foundation on which to build the house. Without a solid base, the house will not last. If the foundation changes over time, then the house will become weak or unstable. The floors will tilt, the tables will lean, and the pipes could burst. If you have enough of a shift in your foundation, the house will come crashing to the ground!

Compare that to lives. The foundation can be what we stake our lives on, what we believe on for our future happiness. If I build my life on truth, it’s like building on a solid foundation. But if my life is built on a lie, that can be a shifty unstable disaster waiting to happen. I would have to always be careful to cover my lies or my whole life will come crumbling down.

The first thing to do when building is to dig down to the solid Rock, the only sure foundation. Then the house that is built will be structurally sound and strong to last through any storm that may come. That is why we will study the Bible in a chronological manner and build our lives on the LORD and His Word with the important proper materials in their right order and from the correct perspective. That way we can understand the full panorama of God’s work in history. Please pay close attention to these lessons and don’t skip any of them. Skipping lessons will make it difficult to understand later lessons. Your very life depends on your understanding and knowing God. Your life will stand, or fall, based on how well you lay your foundation, and who your foundation is.

“Thank You, Father, for revealing to me that You are my sure foundation. You are the Master Builder who builds my life on who You are as revealed to me in Your Word, the Bible. Teach me, lead me, build me. Amen.”

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Searching for God - Day 1


Peeling the Onion - Day 3