Searching for God - Day 1

“And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” Psalm 9:10

Today we begin a journey. We will be walking with God through His Word, the Bible. We will learn who God is, by what He says, backed up by what He does, in the Bible. God is not an aloof deity that created us and then left us to grope about aimlessly. God wants us to know Him. He wants to communicate with us, because that’s who He is…a communicator. That is why He has given us a record of what He wants us to know about Himself. Like the verse in the title, He wants us to know Him so we will put our trust in Him.

The remarkable truth is that to know God, to really know Him, is to love Him. When we know Him like that, we will absolutely trust Him.

Our search for God starts with His own written testimony, the Bible. Some think of the Bible as just another old book full of religious doctrines that describe how we can appease God. But as we read through the Bible with a focus on who He is, we will see His revelation of Himself, and that he is a relational God, and not a tyrant.

The Bible is also God’s record of His interaction with all of His creation, including the natural world, or nature, people, and other created beings such as angels/spirits and even Satan. Since God is the central character of the Bible, we will view the events in the Bible from His perspective.

The Bible is true history, but it is so much more. It is His-Story. The main focus of the Bible is not on the people of the Bible, nor is it the history of Jewish or Christian culture and religious philosophy. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, telling us about God, and written by holy men of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

As we walk on this journey through the Bible, we will have our attention focused on God first, then on man’s and Satan’s responses to Him. As we do, we will come to know Him step by step through:

  • What He says

  • What He does

  • His attributes and character

  • His interactions with real people

  • What He thinks about us

  • How he acts with people after they die

  • His attitude towards Satan and the Angels

We will learn that God is perfect in all His ways, the greatest and highest authority, and most worthy of all our praise. We will learn that the Bible is the very breath of God, speaking the very word of God, and kept by the very Spirit of God forever.

“Thank You, Father, for Your Word, the Bible. I want to know You and trust You. Teach me who You are as I read Your Words. Amen.”

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Laying the Foundation - Day 2