Peeling the Onion - Day 3

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

People talk about peeling back the layers of an onion. It is used as a metaphor to describe getting beneath the surface appearance to access the reality of a thing, idea, philosophy, or person. Likewise, the Bible has many layers to it. In fact, God’s Word is so deep and vast in all of its layers, we will enjoy learning new revelations given by God for all eternity as we grow in our love relationship with Him.

The Bible doesn’t tell us everything there is to know about who God is. There is no way we, as created beings, could possibly know everything there is to know about God. Psalm 145:3,5 says, “…His greatness is unsearchable…His understanding is infinite…”. But everything God wants us to know about Him is clearly given to us in the words of the Bible. In these lessons we will be committed to the foundational themes of the Bible. For the purpose of our study, we will see these foundational truths like mountain peaks in a mountain range. The mountain tops are the foundation truths or the building block themes of Scripture. The valleys in between the peaks are the details. These details, or valley truths, will be left for future study once we touch across each of the mountain peaks. We will be skipping across the peaks to lay the foundation, the solid Rock, of the Scriptures. That way we avoid getting bogged down in the valleys that tend to sidetrack us and confuse us before we are ready for them.

These main foundational themes must be understood before the deep dive into the details will benefit us. We cannot understand the details until the building block themes are understood. If we build too high, too fast, our building will topple. That is why a strong foundation is so important. The details, in their proper time, will come, and they will be clear and strong, but only once the sure foundation is properly laid. This way we avoid many mistakes and confusions that come when the themes of the Bible are built out of order. God’s Word, as our opening Scripture states, is a lamp and a light and we must walk by His light if we will not stumble or fall.

“Thank You, Father, for the light of Your Word. Continue to illumine Your path for me. Take my hand and don’t let go as You teach me according to Your Word. Amen”

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Laying the Foundation - Day 2


Beginnings - Day 4