As silver is tried…-Day 6

“The Words of the LORD are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, Oh LORD; Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever.” Psalm 12:6-7

God is faithful, perfectly. He is faithful to His own Word and faithfully preserves it for His glory. The chosen writers wrote a true and accurate record of what God spoke to them. They wrote in the languages they spoke. The three primary languages were Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. As the original manuscripts wore out with use and time, new copies were made. Handwritten copies were made of each document. The copying was accomplished knowing they were responsible to accurately transcribe the very words of God. If mistakes were made, they didn’t just correct the error, they scraped the whole page and started anew. That is how seriously they understood their work of copying God’s Word to be.

Yesterday we referenced 2 Timothy 3:16. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God…” The word “inspiration” in this verse has a different meaning than how we use it today. The Greek word translated here as “inspiration”, should rather be translated as “expiration”, for it is a compound word meaning both “God” and “breath” and in some translations is rendered “God-breathed”. The meaning is clear. All the Words of the Bible are divinely given, or God-breathed so that God’s chosen writers’ thoughts were miraculously guided by God Himself. That is how the prophets, evangelists, and apostles wrote down for us what God wanted them to write. So we do have the very Words of God recorded for us in writing.

There are more ancient copies of the Bible texts than any other ancient documents. In 1947 in the caves above the Dead Sea, shepherds found clay jars containing copies of Biblical texts that were over a thousand years older than the ones that were used in translating the Bible at that time. The only differences were minor details that didn’t affect the text’s meaning. This shows how accurately the Words of God have been faithfully passed down over the centuries. The Bible is the very Breath of God, Speaking the very Words of God, kept by the very Spirit of God, forever. The Bible is the best-selling book of all time. Not only is it the most influential book, it is also the most published, the most translated, and the most quoted book of all time. God is truly glorified in His Word.

“Thank You Father for the confidence You give me that I have Your Word in the Bible, preserved for me. Amen.”

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Divinely Inspired - Day 5


Eternally Perfect - Day 7