The Angels - Day 6

“Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;” Isaiah 44:24

God is perfect in all His ways, the greatest and highest authority, and most worthy of all our praise! God reveals Himself in scripture by what He says, backed up by what He does, and what He does is based on who He is.

Today we return to the subject of angels. In doing so, we will learn what God reveals about His holiness. We left off with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. The world they lived in can be described as inner beauty, outer beauty peace, innocence, purity, and in a word, beautiful. But sadly an event in heaven would soon come to earth and turn all of God’s creation upside down. So in today’s lesson we begin to address what happened.

In Job 38:4-7 God reminds us that when He created everything, no one was there to witness it except the angels, who watched and worshipped God while he created it all. We previously learned that angels are created beings, creatures created by God. They are more powerful and wiser than us humans. They are spirit beings and do not have physical bodies, although they do at times appear to us in that way. Even so, they are still created beings, which means they are limited beings. They are limited in their power and wisdom. They are also limited to being in just one place at a time. Only God is uncreated and unlimited.

God created angels to worship and serve Him. Hebrews 1:14 tells us that angels also serve God’s children, but only at God’s bidding, not ours. And scripture gives us some wonderful descriptions of angels. In Genesis 18 two angels appear with God Himself to Abraham. All three were in the form of men (see Gen 18:1-2). Isaiah’s description of the Seraphim in chapter 6 describes their appearance as having six wings, and singing “Holy, Holy, Holy”. Amazing. Ezekiel’s vision of “living creatures” in chapter 1 of his prophecy, is another wonder-filled example. But God gave one angel an exalted position above the rest, and his pride destroyed him, and sin came into God’s perfect creation.

As we learn of what takes place with these angelic creatures, we must keep in mind what we have learned about God and who He is. God alone is the Almighty Creator of All Things. Everything and everyone else is created by God. God is worthy to be praised!

“Thank you, Father, for revealing to me the vast difference there is between You and all of your creation. May I ever worship You! Amen.”

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