In the Image of God - Day 2

“I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else.” Isaiah 45:5-6

We left off with the triune God discussing making man in His image. Genesis 1:26 says, “…Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” What does it mean to be made in God’s image and likeness? Some say this means that God made us relational beings like Himself with a mind, will and emotions. Others define it as us having personality, morality and spirituality as God does. They are both right, but there are other considerations to mention. Let us think together about the meaning of the words “image” and “likeness”. Image means something similar to something else, like a statue or shadow of someone. Likeness has much the same meaning, as in how words may “bite” like a dog bites.

God created man to be like Him and represent Him. How? Man uniquely represents God in our physical, moral, spiritual and intellectual capacity. No other beings God created did He give these specific attributes. No other animal or angel is said to be created in His image.

Morally we have an inner sense of right and wrong not found in other animals. We are held accountable to God for we act. We are held accountable to God’s moral standard, perfection. Spiritually, we are like God. Though we have a physical and mortal body, we also have an immortal, immaterial spirit that lives forever. Intellectually, we can reason and use logic and communicate in ways animals cannot. While apes do communicate and use tools, they do not grasp abstract concepts or reasoning. They do not sit around the fire and discuss the nature of God, the beauty of colors, or the meaning of a red sky in the evening.

God created us to communicate with each other, and directly with Himself! Relationally, we are created so we can choose to have a relationship with God. Emotions come with relationships. We can choose to love God and others, which also sets us apart from animals. These aspects give man a wonderful sense of significance and dignity as God’s image bearers. Our value is in who God says we are.

“Thank you, Father, for creating me in your image. I don’t deserve any good from you, but knowing you have made me unique gives me a great purpose and reason to be. Amen.”

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God’s Magnum Opus - Day 1


Image Bearers - Day 3