Limitless - Day 4

"Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?" Psalm 139:7

" Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord." Jeremiah 23:24

God is a spirit. He has no physical body that we may see Him. “No man hath seen God at any time…” John 1:18. He has no visible form that we may describe Him. Read Deuteronomy 4:15-24. In John 4:24 Jesus simply said, “God is a spirit.” God is not contained nor constrained by His creation. A.W. Tozer described God’s relationship with His creation as a bucket deep within the vast depths of the ocean. The bucket contains the ocean, but the ocean has swallowed up the bucket. God is in the universe He created, but God contains the universe and more.

But that way of thinking about God is limited because we are trying to describe the indescribable. We are trying to describe the Creator by the limited references of His creation, with human words and creature words. Our creature words are limited and cannot give the proper respect due to the only uncreated One. I am contained and constrained by God’s creation. I am part of creation. I am a limited creature created of flesh and blood, having a physical body, suited only for this environment. God tells us in His Word that He is spirit. Because God is a spirit, He is not contained by the physical constraints of His created universe. Neither is God an impersonal force unaffected by His physical creation. Although God communicates with us in the Bible using human terms to describe Himself, we must never forget that God is a spirit, and since He is a spirit, we cannot limit Him in our thinking as though He is created, nor think of Him in any spatial or dimensional way.

God cannot be compared to anything in our created sphere. He is so far beyond our comprehension that we must be careful that we do not limit Him in any way. As we walk on our journey with God through His Word, we will learn many wonderful things about God. The Bible teaches us that God is full of personality. He has a mind, a will, and emotions. God expresses Himself, makes choices, and displays emotions, along with revealing His unsearchable intellect. And He is really, really smart! You may have heard that God is love; we will learn that not only does He express love, but He also hates, is grieved, shows gladness and joy, and has a sense of humor. He is the greatest personality we will ever meet. Just as we experience a full range of emotions, we will see that God also expresses His emotions too. After all, God created us in His image, and we got our emotions from Him when we were born. He is God, the Uncreated who is limitless. All else is limited creation.

“Thank you, Father, for who You are; unlimited, unconstrained, and uncreated, the Great and Holy One!”

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Dependence - Day 3


Omnipresent - Day 5