The Overcomer’s Creed

I am not in this battle alone,

For Jesus leads me and He is within me.

I know the fight will be long and brutal,

I am focused on Jesus who is my strength.

My eyes are fixed on my Captain and Lord,

I’m ready and resolved to obey His commands.

My ears are open and listening for His directing orders,

My weapons for this war are ready.

My voice is lifted with songs of praise to my God,

My worship will be heard, I will not be silent.

Where Jesus leads, there His joy He gives,

And my patient endurance to follow.

When I fall, all bloodied and bruised,

I look up and see his face.

He sets me on my feet again and cleans me,

He restores my fortitude to fight on.

I believe and will never be in doubt,

Our God, The Lord of hosts, will always be victorious.

My Captain whom I follow,

Is the mighty Word of God - the Lord Jesus.

I will follow Him with my whole heart and life,

I in Him, and He in me.

And when my life is spent for Him,

I will rejoice and continue to follow!

For He is my overcomer.

Pastor Paul

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[Editor’s Note]