Mine name is Paul…

My name is Paul, Pastor Paul. I am currently in my 13th year of a 27-year prison sentence. But prison does not define who I am.

I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ when I was 6 years old. It was a Sunday night, Kingston, Jamaica, and my father was preaching. I still remember that experience with great joy, and that was 54 years ago. Ever since that night I have never stopped loving the Lord. Never have I turned my back on Him, for He is always faithful to me. He led the way for me through my school years and the 2 years of University. Then with school behind me, I spent 4 years in the U.S. Air Force.

I was discharged from the U.S. AIr Force barely a month when I met my wife at church. We were married seven months later. That was 34 years ago. Yes, we are still married and very happy to be so. God blessed me with a wonderful woman, who I always describe that way; she loves Jesus more than anyone I know. She is fantastic, and is my hero because Jesus is her hero, and that’s why I love her so.

We have seven natural and two adopted children whom we raised on God’s Word in a home-school environment. I absolutely loved our home life. Being around the family was my happy place. Our home was peace, love and joy. Jesus Christ was at the center of all we lived for.

Then catastrophe struck. The circumstances behind my conviction is a story for another time. What I will say is, God is very faithful. As my world crumbled around me, He was there. supporting, teaching, strengthening, encouraging, and counseling me. When I went to jail, He was there. He gave me purpose in life, to bring glory to Jesus Christ and sharing with others who He is and how to get to know Him. In my darkness, He shined all the brighter! During my 2 years in county jail, He kept me busy, leading Bible studies almost every day, and even several times a day. He was there, and He never let me down, so I was not about to let Him down.

I am an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My life’s calling is to preach, teach, and proclaim the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I will preach the cross of Christ because it is the power of God to save sinners. I desire my life to all about Jesus. I want all to say with me, “it’s all about Jesus.” I have followed him through the fire, my fire of adversity, and intense suffering. And He was there for me every step of the way. Through all this time of suffering and pain, He has taught me things I could have never learned any other way. Praise God for His school of suffering for there is no better way to learn than the way of the cross.

With all that said, this website is not about me. I don’t want to talk about me, this is about glorifying God. The Daily Lessons recorded here are for the purpose of fixing our gaze upon the only One who is worthy of our attention, Jesus. He alone is worthy of all our worship! So let’s keep our eyes focused on Him! The reasons for writing these daily lessons is to provide a year-long chronological study of the Bible from the very beginning through the resurrection of Christ. They are an overview of the main themes of Scripture, with a focus on who God is.

“And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee; for Thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee.” Psalms 9:10.

How can we trust someone we don’t know? Too many people have a shallow relationship with God because they have a shallow knowledge of Him. When times get tough, they dive down only to hit bottom and bloody their noses. Then they get out of the water and never swim again. That may seem a silly metaphor, but let’s go with it (see Proverbs 20:5). God’s Word is like deep waters to those who want more out of their shallow kiddy pool existence. Our God is so vast, so glorious, and so wanting for us to launch out into the deep water of His Word, and get to really know Him.

I am not claiming I am writing spiritually deep lessons. I am only introducing whosever comes to the God of the Bible, and He will lead you out into His depths. Take the plunge. Let’s go diving with God. He reveals new things to me every time I go. Remember, the truths of God are never discovered, they are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, but only when we seek Him diligently (see Hebrews 11:6).

Take only one lesson each day. Take your time. Read every scripture. Relax, and spend time with the Lord and get to know Him. The lessons start out simply but reverently. God’s Word is a great gift, and it is the very breath of God, speaking the very words of God, kep by the very Spirit of God, forever!

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[Editor’s Note]